Telegram was based by Durov, who left Russia in 2014 after he refused to adjust to calls for to close down opposition communities on his VK social media platform, which he has bought.
The encrypted utility, with close to 1 billion users, is especially influential in Russia, Ukraine and the republics of the previous Soviet Union. It’s ranked as one of many main social media platforms after Fb, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok and WeChat.
Durov, who was born in Soviet Leningrad and graduated from St Petersburg State College, lists his political beliefs as “libertarian” and says he was impressed by Apple Co-Founder Steve Jobs.
Estimated by Forbes to have a fortune of US$15.5 billion, Durov stated in April some governments had sought to strain him, however the app ought to stay a impartial platform and never a “participant in geopolitics”.
Durov, whose arrest led information bulletins in Russia,got here up with the thought for an encrypted messaging app whereas going through strain from Russian authorities. His youthful brother, Nikolai, designed the encryption.
“I’d quite be free than to take orders from anybody,” Durov stated in April about his exit from Russia and seek for a house for his firm, which included stints in Berlin, London, Singapore and San Francisco.
Russian lawmaker Maria Butina, who spent 15 months in US jail for appearing as an unregistered Russian agent, stated Durov “is a political prisoner – a sufferer of a witch-hunt by the West.”